Tuesday, January 8, 2019

     My quality work could use a little bit of improvement. I always find solutions to finish the project, but I don't put my full effort into all of them. I always pay attention to the objective of the assignment. I also always have the correct resolution and format for all of my projects, and completing my projects on time. But, my projects could use a little bit more detail to make it detailed.

     My effort on my projects depend on the topic. If the project topic seems too complicated for me, I get a little overwhelmed and pick the easiest idea that comes to me. I explore variations on the ideas I have, and always try to pick the best one. I definitely think about my project and how I will do it before jumping right into it. I have a positive attitude towards all of the topics and my ideas that come to me. I also have a positive attitude towards my classmate's work and give them constructive criticism.

    My participation in class is always one of my top priorities. I am always on time for class and work the whole entire class period. I work very hard on my projects and also answer questions toward other classmate's projects. I come to class prepared to work hard on my projects and to get them done independently.

     I can improve on all of my areas as a digital artist. One of my biggest improvements I could work on is growing technically. I would love to grow my technical skills in photoshop and be able to do anything on it. I would also like to gain more confidence in my ideas and projects. I want to be able to create unique projects that no one else has seen before.

     In the second semester, I am going to try my absolute hardest on all of my projects. I also want to challenge myself more than I did in the first semester and make creative assignments. My goal is to be comfortable with all areas of photoshop and be able to do so many different projects.

Assignment suggestion: I think it would be a cool project to do a partner project.