Monday, October 1, 2018

1. I loved this art generator because I had a pretty good amount of control over everything that occurred in the image. I could choose the colors, the symmetry and how I wanted to make my image. Overall, it was easy to use and the final image is really pretty.

2. I also really liked this generator because you have a lot of control over what the final image is. All it takes is moving your mouse around the screen and you can make a very creative piece. You can also choose whatever colors you want on a color palette. The site was really easy to navigate and use.

3. I wasn't a huge fan of this art generator because you had almost no control over anything you did. The only sense of control is moving your mouse, but other than that you can't choose colors or the image made. But, the image I got was good.

4. I also didn't love this generator because the only control you had was moving the mouse. You can't choose colors or choose the shapes in the final image. The final image was alright, but definitely not my favorite.

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