Monday, October 8, 2018

What Art? 1 Questions

1. The mood of the images is very calm. The images have warm colors that make the person looking at the image very calm. The expressions on their faces are somewhat sad, and kind of confused. Their postures are very upright and their straight up.

2. I imagine that these images were made using oil paint. This is because you can see all of the different brushstrokes and colors used. The images also have details that would be hard to make on photoshop.

3. The colors used in the images definitely affect the image. In the first image, the woman is wearing a bright blue and is surrounded by warmer colors, which makes the woman stand out. In the second image, the woman is wearing anything that stands out, but is surrounded by warm colors as well. These colors make the person looking at the image feel calm and soothed. The colors accentuate the mood because the colors affect the mood displayed.

4. I think the artist was trying to convey that women can be beautiful no matter what they look like. He/she was trying to get a response that some women actually start to believe that they are beautiful and have self-confidence. Yes, I do think that the effort of doing this was successful.

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