Friday, October 19, 2018

1. The mutation strain that has affected me is the Face Mutator.

2. My visible physical changes is that my eyes have gotten a lot bigger, my nose has expanded at my nostrils, and my mouth has become extremely small.

3. The physical changes that are not visible is that my hands have turned into moose hooves and my legs are horse legs.

4. The emotional changes that I have noticed is that I am always hungry and I get really mad at everyone for no reason.

5. Some unusual skills or abilities that I have gained is that I am super strong and I can run so fast.

6. Some changes in my habits is that I love doing my homework and love studying in my free time.

7. The changes that I have been noticing in my food preferences is that I can't stop eating vegetables and candy is disgusting to me.

8. The mutation hasn't affected my close friendships or my family, but people in public can't even look at me.

9. The mutation has affected my ability to learn. This is because I love going to school, doing homework and I am getting 100's on all my assignments.

10. My mutation has affected my plans for the future because I wanted to go to college, but people make fun of me everywhere I go and the teachers at all the colleges can't even talk to me.

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